Combat The Summer Heat Wave with The Superb Summer Fruits

Summer will start soon, in the northern hemisphere, especially in the UK. As the temperature rises, we must prepare for a heat wave. The increased heat and humidity levels may affect our bodies' normal functions. So it’s quite essential for us to pay heed to our health, or else one can suffer serious consequences.

Adjusting our diet is a must to keep us fresh and nourished during the summer. Consuming fruits and vegetables to avoid dehydration, skin sensitivities, vitamin deficiency, and so on. Various seasonal fruits are loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help us cope with the harsh weather.

Here are some summer fruits to help cope with the heat wave:

a. Watermelon

This fruit somehow is a total summer haven. As 92% of watermelon is water, they are extremely hydrating and contain many vitamins, including Vitamin A, B6, C, amino acids, dietary fibres, calcium, and iron. This most demanding fruit of the summer also has a high level of lycopene, which is very important for bone and cardiovascular health.


b. Strawberry

This little red fruit consists of almost 90% of water, a great deal of vitamin C, and iron, which is good for our immune system. Also, low in calories, so you can eat a large quantity of them to fill your hunger.


c. Pineapple

One of the most loved tropical fruits in summer is definitely pineapple. Comes with many benefits, such as anti-inflammation, burning calories, boosting metabolism, and regulating hypertension, this sour-sweet fruit is a summer must-item.


d. Papaya

This tropical fruit is rich in vitamin A, C, and folate. Also compared to carrots, it has a higher amount of beta-carotene. A smart choice to maintain your eyesight and digestion system.


e. Berries

Any berries are the real vitamin bombs. They contain large amounts of folic acid, magnesium, and iron to combat the high temperatures. The enormous healing potential could also promote health in people.


f. Mango

This fruit is rich in potassium and vitamins C & E, and a good source of antioxidants. Mango is high in fibre, but low in calories. So, don't worry to eat a large amount of it.


Well, those are the best summer fruit to combat the summer heat. Take your summer to spend some quality time with family as much as possible. You can plan some activities such as craftwork with them.

Find a simple material, which you can make various craft. Such as these clay charm embellishments which perfect for bows and jewellery making. 


Summer fruit-themed clay charm embellishment

  Fruit girl clay charm embellishment is a clay charm embellishment bow centre or craft supplies. We provide various theme bow making supplies. These clay charm for hair bows are the best match to colouring your summer vibes.

Happy summer, everyone!


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